Walking into a store or going online to buy a smartphone is, like, so totally 2014. Why not just build your own?
Developer Tyler Spadgenske has been tinkering away at a basic DIY smartphone that runs on Raspberry Pi for more than a year now, and he’s posted an updated set of directions over at Instructables. His version builds on a previous iteration created by developer Dave Hunt.
According to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the so-called “TyPhone” can “take photos (and send them to Dropbox or another device), send texts, and manage its own battery level, as well as placing and taking calls. Tyler wrote his own OS in Python, 3D-printed a rather smart enclosure, and now has a phone he’s built from the bottom up – hardware and software both.”
So, head on over to Instructables for the step-by-step directions and list of supplies, and get your Maker on. Or, if that seems too daunting, at least check out this video: